Friday, October 3, 2008

Charlie Brown's of Hamilton, NJ

October 3, 2008
5:00ish pm
Charlie Brown's
Hamilton, NJ

The Long Island Iced Teas came quickly, and looked about the same as the ones we had sampled at TGI Friday's and Chili's...a light amber color, fading toward the top of the ice-packed glass. Expectations sank. One sip, however, told us that this LIIT was not kidding around. The flavor was similar to the lemony teas we previously tried, but it kicked on the way down! It was a good amount of kick, though. Enough to let you know it was serious, but not enough to give you that hard-alcohol shiver. Let's just say that a refill was not required to get the job done!

There was something missing in the tea taste of the drink. Again, lemony, and not tea-sweet. Good, but not perfect. The search for the LIIT that throws down like a Snapple but kicks like a mule continues...but not at Killarney's.

taste: 7
throwdownability: 7
kick: 9
quantity: average

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

History of the LIIT Committee

Summer, 2008
Hamilton, NJ

On a trip out to Chili's for dinner, I ordered a Long Island Iced Tea, and my companion asked, "What's that?"

WHAT'S THAT?? Only the greatest mixed drink ever created. More alcohol than you should be able to pack into one glass, yet it tastes like iced tea! That is, if it is done correctly...

My first experience with the LIIT came when I found myself in the same position. I didn't know what to order, and the friend I was out with suggested a Long Island Iced Tea. Okay! Well, it tasted great, just like iced tea, and so I had one...two...three as I sat at the bar, where I felt just fine. Until I got off of the barstool and found that I couldn't stand! Now that's my kind of drink.

Little did I realize what a good bartender I had met that night. Since then, I have been in search of the perfect Long Island Iced Tea. And once I had introduced this drink to my friend at dinner, I felt a renewed sense of purpose in my quest, mainly because the drinks we got that night were disappointing. They were lemony, so lemony that maybe Chili's can claim to have invented the Long Island Lemonade (That doesn't already exist, does it?). They were also not particularly strong, as we each managed to have two.

I tried to explain that this was not quite what LIITs were supposed to taste like, and the LIIT Committee was formed. In search of the perfect drink, we will spare no expense (we may spare a few), we will travel any distance (no we won't), and go to any restaurant (that serves fried food)! Wait, that's a lie. There was that one windowless place that we walked right out of in an effort to keep our pictures off of the sides of milk cartons...

Anyhow, a subsequent trip to the TGI Friday's in Hamilton yielded much the same lemony results. Slightly less lemony, I suppose, but not more iced tea-ey, and not much stronger.

The quest goes on...